Microsoft office 2016 stopped working windows 10
Microsoft office 2016 stopped working windows 10

microsoft office 2016 stopped working windows 10

More info: Users' searches will default to a local Outlook desktop client User Impact: Users may experience search failures in the Title: Many users will see searches failing in the Users may experience search failures in the Outlook

microsoft office 2016 stopped working windows 10

I've got this from Office 365, Ive had problems rolling back, it just runs in a loop Has anyone experienced this problem? Looking for suggestions as this is driving me bonkers! I'm tempted to uninstall Office but reluctant as when it reinstalls it will most likely give me that "This copy of office has already been activated." Tried the re-indexing but did not change anything. I tried deleting the user's Outlook profile and recreating it but again, nothing. I've tried running the repair and reset option for Microsoft Office but that did not work These computers in question have some rogue entry in the Index Options instead of "Outlook." (See attached picture. I know it should be in there as I have other identical computers with the same version of Office that has it. I think I narrowed the problem down to Outlook somehow got removed from Indexing Options in the Search Tools menu. Now I've read countless posts through Google with other user's experiencing the same issue in the past but so far I have not been able to fix this.

microsoft office 2016 stopped working windows 10

We use an on-premise Microsoft Exchange 2013 server.Īs a workaround, I can disable Cached Exchange Mode in Outlook and the search function works! However, some of the power users aren't happy because the feature "When possible, display results as the query is typed." only works in cached mode.

#Microsoft office 2016 stopped working windows 10 windows 10#

After this update, ALL user's Outlook search feature stopped working!Īll of our desktops are Windows 10 with either MS Office 20. Recently, Microsoft pushed out an Office update.

Microsoft office 2016 stopped working windows 10